Trailer Towing
Class Time - 3 Hr. Lecture
Class Time - 3 Hr. Lecture
Rest of day hours: Hands-On Training
Rest of day hours: Hands-On Training
Class Ratio: 10:1 Per Instructor
Class Ratio: 10:1 Per Instructor
*The employer is responsible for providing the trailer for the hands-on portion of the training course.
*The employer is responsible for providing the trailer for the hands-on portion of the training course.
**The trailer and tow vehicle must be in compliance with Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations.
**The trailer and tow vehicle must be in compliance with Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations.
***For the lecture portion of the course, a classroom environment is required. For the hands-on portion, there must be enough space for the towing vehicle and trailer to maneuver around an obstacle course.
***For the lecture portion of the course, a classroom environment is required. For the hands-on portion, there must be enough space for the towing vehicle and trailer to maneuver around an obstacle course.